Ankorstore /  Oleoestepa S.C.A.

Oleoestepa S.C.A.

⚡️ Se envía en menos de 48h

Mínimo 100 €

Las mejores marcas en un único pedido de 300,00 € con portes gratis para siempre

  • Fundada en 1986
The second-degree cooperative society Oleoestepa is a company that produces and markets extra virgin olive oil and was founded in 1986.

Currently this cooperative group brings together more than 7.500 farmers with about 60.000 hectares of olive groves, which represents an ecosystem of more than 10 million olive trees cultivated using integrated and organic production techniques that guarantee their sustainability.
Extra virgin olive oil produced cold by the 19 associated oil mills located in the provinces of Seville, Córdoba and Málaga is marketed under the brands Oleoestepa in its hojiblanca, arbequina and Selección varieties, Maestro Oleario, Estepa Virgen and Egregio (organic), operating throughout the national territory as well as exporting to practically all the countries of the European Union (United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Germany...), Russia, China, Japan, Mexico, Canada and the United States, among other countries.