Ankorstore /  LOQI (Spain)

LOQI (Spain)

Envía pedidos dentro entre 3 y 5 días

Mínimo 100 €

Las mejores marcas en un único pedido de 300,00 € con portes gratis para siempre

  • Fundada en 2010
Instagram ankorstore_
At LOQI, we collaborate with artists from around the world to bring you a wide range of the most original bag designs possible. We’ve climbed the mountains of Romania. Stumbled through the streets of Tokyo. Got lost in London and buzzed in Berlin. We’ll do just about anything to hunt down a LOQI artist. Our products are also just like you and me – great looking, smart and dependable.

Why: not only are we committed to being high-quality, eco-friendly and affordable, we want our bags to appeal to people from the most different ends of the spectrum. The more people who like our bags, the more people will practice reuse, the better off we will all be tomorrow.

LOQI trusts in the value of art and culture. From the Louvre to the TATE, the Guggenheim to the Getty. From Murakami to Malevich. We have 300 of the world’s finest artworks from the world’s finest museums. You can find a LOQI just about anywhere on this tiny planet. Finally there is enough art to go around!