Ankorstore /  Moda & Accesorios /  Hemper Handmade

Hemper Handmade

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  • Fundada en 2016
Hemper is an independent brand project that bases its identity on the study and reformulation of handcrafted textile reformulation of handcrafted textile registers.

Having at the center of the process a cultural and historical research on the textile: its materials and processes; to expose a regenerative proposal to the challenges of today's world.

Natural Faibers
At Hemper we work with native natural fibers such as hemper, artisanal wool or indigenous cottons from India. True sustainability.
Weaving the Fabric
We work with hand looms, thus maintaining the tradition and profession that carry with them centuries of history and learning.
Natural Dyes:
Sourced from plants and minerals, natural dyeing regenerates cultures and ecosystems, while avoiding huge amounts of toxics.
Making color is an art.