Watch video here: https://youtu.be/y8A0WI9ZLl4 As a complementary educational tool to our Apollo 11 flipbook we have developed this deck of Commemorative Cards, not only about the Apollo 11, but about the entire Apollo Program. It includes 70 neatly designed cards, representing three different categories: 32 astronauts of all the Apollo missions, 18 of the science experiments set up by the astronauts at the Moon’s landing site and 20 cards showing the vehicles and hardware that brought them there – and back to Earth. Each of the illustrated cards includes basic information on the topic shown, as well as a QR code that takes you to the specific Wikipedia page to further learn about each of the many components of the Apollo Program. The card deck also includes a little flipbook feature! If you hold all the cards in the correct order, you will be able to see a 360o animation of the Lunar Module while flipping the cards with your thumb.