NEW! Watch video here: https://youtu.be/xmJO3RyIMmE The Solar System Flipbook Collection is a set of 10 interactive “cinemagic” flipbooks, each showcasing one of the major celestial bodies in our Solar System. Besides the Sun and the eight planets, we’ve also devoted a volume to Pluto and some of the dwarf planets. Each flipbook triggers six different animations depending on the position of your thumb, which means that all together you'll have 60 stunning animations, six for each planet. Use the included Solar System App to explore and interact with 10 3D models, one for each of the celestial bodies in the collection. THE SUN • MERCURY • VENUS • EARTH • MARS • JUPITER • SATURN • URANUS • NEPTUNE • PLUTO Specifications (single volumes): Weight: 140 g Size: 9 x 9 x 1,5 cm