Watch video here: https://youtu.be/qh3uwZBj7I8 This one of a kind Limited Edition is an exclusive bundle that includes a real fragment of mission-flown Kapton Foil that protected the Columbia Command Module during its re-entry to Earth. The unique piece is preserved in a small commemorative acrylic container that comes individually numbered. A unique collector's item for those who want to hold a real piece of human history in their hands. "I purchased this for the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 and I've truly enjoyed it! The flipbooks are fun, the information is informative and educational, and you have a unique opportunity to own a piece of Apollo 11 history, the mission-flown piece of the Command Module Kapton foil. The cost of the Kapton alone makes the Bundle a deal! In addition you get an Augmented Reality cover and a deck of commenorative cards will provide you plenty of information about the other Apollo missions! Highly recommended!!"