Ankorstore /  Moda & Accesorios /  The Marvelous Brand

The Marvelous Brand

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Mínimo 100 €

Las mejores marcas en un único pedido de 300,00 € con portes gratis para siempre

  • Fundada en 2022
Instagram Ankorstore_es
We are four cinephile friends who from a very young age found it difficult to fit in socially, so we grew up with a clear idea that no matter what your hobbies or situation, we all have to show ourselves as we truly are.

Dress in a bold but elegant way, and on top showing that love for cinema became for us an impossible mission, although as the saga shows us there is always a way to get it...

So we stopped waiting for the big brands to come out with a design that convinced us every now and then, talk it through and decided to create our own movement.

We could not become any other clothing firm, so we decided to continue with the approach of pioneering brands such as "Ecoalf "and continue with an ecological production mode created to last and not harm the environment.

Thats why we work in satellite collections, that allows us not only to reduce surpluses and adjust our actions in order to exploit all the resources in the most environmentally friendly and efficient way but also keep the exclusivity of all our collections.

Every choice we make is part of our commitment to create a responsible business without compromising the future generations.

Fashion’s supply chain is very profound and complex, which is why we work with the best partners on each and every process to minimize the impact as much as possible.

ENG: Filmart, Fashion, Retail, Spain
ESP: Moda, Tendencia, Ropa, España