Removes any excess mucus Fast, smoothly and savely removes any excess mucus without irritating the baby, avoiding the discomfort generated by obstructed respiratory passages. Faster and easier to use All you need to do is to insert it in the nostril and press the button to extract the mucus. Due to the device being electric, suction occurs in a continuous manner in a single go (compared with manual aspirators, which require several aspirations), facitilitating this time when controlling the baby is difficult. Hygienic The electric aspiration method avoids the need for oral suction, which many parents find unpleasant. The mucus is deposited in an internal container which is kept isolated from the rest of the appliance and the exterior, preventing contact with secretions. Very easy to clean The mucus container is disassembled and easily washed using warm water and soap and it can be sterilised using boiling water or steam. All included Comes with two types of silicone tip for different nostril sizes, two spare silicone rings, and a practical bag for carrying it around. Compact and ergonomic It is highly ergonomic and compact, easy to hold and can be used with one hand. Hence, the other hand is free to hold the baby in the most sutiable position. Can be used anywhere with no risk of uncomfortable situations As this device is so easy to use, it may be deployed discreetly anywhere. Its use in public places goes more unnoticed than traditional nasal aspirators.