Ankorstore /  Decoración /  Maria Montiel Studio /  Limited Edition Art Print " Fornells " - A1 ( 84.1 x 59.4 )
Limited Edition Art Print " Fornells " - A1 ( 84.1 x 59.4 )
Maria Montiel Studio

Limited Edition Art Print " Fornells " - A1 ( 84.1 x 59.4 )

Printed on a super smooth enhanced fine paper and shipped on hard shipping tube from Barcelona, Spain. “A bright and intricate piece of the magical forest. Big flowers mixed with bols elements and intense colors “ All my limited edition art prints are high quality images made from my original art. The enhanced paper has a very soft peachy touch and make the colors POP! All my prints are signed and numbered by me in my studio in Barcelona from where all the prints are shipped.

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