If you are lookig for a stylish bracelet, this gold plated oe with the eye of Horus is for you. This aciet Egyptia symbol represets protectio, stregth, restoratio ad health, so besides beig so meaigful, it’s a beautiful symbol that will add a mystical touch to your bohemia look. With its very special eye of Horus desig, you’ll love the ow style that it will brig to your wrist. Pretty ad delicate as well as boho ad chic, this always fashioable bracelet features the eye of Horus charm set o a strog ad durable thi chai with lobster clasp closure so it wo’t oly comfortably wrap ad adapt aroud your wrist, but it will be the perfect accessory whatever your outfit is. Take your look oe step further ad distiguish yourself with our eye of Horus wristbad: differece is i small details! Simple ad elegat, this ethic jewel is made i boho style which makes it a woderful choice for the bohemias to dress up their wrist ad the perfect preset for frieds ad loved oes. Timeless tredy ad colorful, it is light ad so easy to adjust ad put o ad take off, so get oe ad wear it at ay occasio. This accessory is perfect for both everyday looks ad special momets. Try to mix several bracelets or wear it aloe. Whether you combie it or ot, its exclusive desig it’s meat ot to be uoticed. KEY FEATURES: ★Made of 100% gold plated brass. ★Each piece of the bracelet is deeply tested to esure that defect free ad quality orieted products are delivered to our valuable customers. ★Colour/brightess may slightly differ from the pictures, due to idividual moitor settigs. ★Lightweight. ★Comfortable to wear. ★Perfect gift for your girlfried/life parter at ay special or routie evets. SHIPPIG TIME: We will dispatch your order withi 1-3 busiess days. However, shippig time may vary accordig to the destiatio. RETUR AD EXCHAGES: We accept returs ad exchages. However, some exceptios may apply. ABOUT US: You ca kow more about Majime Palma by followig us o: https://www.istagram.com/majime_palma/ https://www.facebook.com/majime.palma Thak you for your iterest ad do’t hesitate to cotact us for your queries.