Watch video here: Interactive flipbook from our Collection "The Painters - Masterpieces in Motion", a tribute to some of the greatest painters of all time. Each of the ten 6-in-1 flipbooks contains six of each artist’s masterpieces, taking you on a journey from the brushstroke to the big picture. It also includes an augmented reality feature to discover the artist’s most important work. Animated Paintings: One Second Before the Awakening from a Dream Provoked by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate - 1944 The Temptation of St. Anthony - 1946 La persistance de la mémoire (The Persistence of Memory) - 1931 Visage du Grand Masturbateur (Face of the Great Masturbator) - 1929 Leda Atomica - 1949 Nature Morte Vivante (Fast-moving Still Life) - 1956