Ankorstore /  FERRESTOCK


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Mínimo €100

Las mejores marcas en un único pedido de €300.00 con portes gratis para siempre

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TM Electron is always looking for customized solutions to provide the best possible support to the various needs of increasingly specialized customers, such as wholesalers, merchants, independent retailers, commercial chains, online stores, supermarkets, etc. Solutions that are specified through the support of the sales network, technical-commercial training, after-sales assistance and a fast product delivery service.

All this thanks to our extensive network of suppliers, such as manufacturers, brokers and distributors, with a wide range of products and an item movement of more than 2 million units per year.

Innovation, product quality, service level, efficiency and learning constitute the constant reference points of our business group, focused on the value of the person.

Innovation and technology.
Our facilities are equipped with the latest logistics technology.

Our strengths.
Innovation, quality, level of service, efficiency and experience.

Great team.
Our great resource is our human team.

Careful customer service.
All our departments at your disposal.
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