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Mínimo 100 €

Las mejores marcas en un único pedido de 300,00 € con portes gratis para siempre

  • Fundada en 2020
Instagram argotoficial
Speaking sustainability

Created in 2020, ARGOT Style. is a is a vegan accessory brand committed to respecting and protecting Mother Earth. Inspired by nature our mission is to bring form, function, and fairness to the accessories space. Since then, we’ve been busy learning, growing and playing in an effort to explore all the ways fashion and compassion can coexist in harmony, as if it would be seeds of a growing family tree.

Our materials are sourced from companies with high standards of ethics, responsibility, and governance. We use only eco-friendly, plant-based and recycled materials (in our bags and packaging)

Andrés Megía is a designer and stylist who has committed to bringing compassion to the accessories space through the use of animal-free, cruelty- free, and ethical materials and production.
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